4 Wands
Earthen Influences
Ace (one) - Fire - Wands

Two - Mars in Aries
Three - Sun in Aries
Four - Venus in Aries

Five - Saturn in Leo
Six - Jupiter in Leo
Seven - Mars in Leo

Eight - Mercury in Sagittarius
Nine - Moon in Sagittarius
Ten - Saturn in Sagittarius
Cardinal - initiate

Fixed - nurture

Mutable - change
Interpretations in astrology and the tarot, are usually based upon how one element affects another (consciousness), with numerous combinations & co-factors as well involved (subconscious).

It is such, that one may ascertain an understanding that most affective experience is very well based upon interpretive garnishment.

The tarot cards are one such way to help gain a deeper understanding of how life functions, inseparable of ourselves.

Intelligence comes by way of a broader scope, representative of the 360 degree circular design of astrology.

Wherever one is at any moment, they as well may find themselves. The tarot acts like a mirror of the mind,  just imagine the character(s) of your thought being played out onto a screen.

Where is it that our projections end and reality begins?
(a good question for the seven of cups)

We as well watch the beginnings of projection in the will of the wands.

As in the two and three of wands, the man looks out across the oceans to see just how far it is that he can spread his wings and cover great distances, also known as goals or the setting of the sights.

The nature of fire is to spread, and with the impulsive affection of the cardinal sign (aries), it seeks outwardly to manifest itself and broaden horizons.
2 Wands
3 Wands
7 Wands
6 Wands
5 Wands
8 Wands
9 Wands
10 Wands
            Astrology employs the use of a 360 degree circle, which divides itself up into the twelve tribes of man, or simply our signs. This gives each sign 30 degrees, as 360 / 12 = 30.
It was then that each sign would be divided into a group of three, given the name decante.
(decant \di-'kant\ 1: to pour from one vessel into another  2: to draw off without disturbing any sediment)
With 36 numerical pip, or playing cards, this transfiguration works nicely.
      It was found many moons ago that all of life is made up of different components, the key was in understanding how to walk the dividing line.

     The minor arcanum, shows us the path of each element from beginning to completion. From spirit, or inspire, and desire to manifest, to the directional windings of the mind, the depth and non-rational mutations of the heart to that of unearthing manifestation.

Units working together and in oppositional friction with one to another is what remains the human struggle to exist within seasoned correlations of criss-cross polarity.
Ace (one) - Water - Cups

Venus in Cancer  
Mercury in Cancer  
Moon in Cancer  

Mars in Scorpio  
Sun in Scorpio  
Venus in Scorpio

Saturn in Pisces
Jupiter in Pisces
Mars in Pisces
The human Zodiac is based upon the varied earthen influences that come with every season.

Cardinal signs herald the beginning of a new season, four corners of the wheel.

Aries - Spring
Cancer - Summer
Libra - Fall
Capricorn - Winter
Ace (one) - Earth - Pentacles

Jupiter in Capricorn  
Mars in Capricorn  
Sun in Capricorn   

Mercury in Taurus  
Moon in Taurus   
Saturn in Taurus   

Sun in Virgo 
Venus in Virgo
Mercury in Virgo 
Ace (one) - Air - Swords

Moon in Libra  
Saturn in Libra  
Jupiter in Libra 

Venus in Aquarius  
Mercury in Aquarius  
Moon in Aquarius  

Jupiter in Gemini
Mars in Gemini
Sun in Gemini
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