

Page of WandsSagittarius
(Fire of Earth)

Page of Cups
(Water of Earth)

Page of Swords
(Air of Earth)

Page of Pentacles
(Earth of Earth)


Knight of Wands
(Fire of Air)

Knight of Cups
(Water of Air)

Knight of Swords
(Air of Air)

Knight of Pentacles
(Earth of Air)


Queen of Wands
(Fire of Water)

Queen of Cups
(Water of Water)

Queen of Swords
(Air of Water)

Queen of Pentacles
(Earth of Water)


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Personality Stitches
© 2004
Page of Wands - INTP                
Thinking with
Extraverted Intuiting

INTPs are inclined to direct their attention inward, on abstract thoughts and ideas. Thus, they often prefer to work on their own, free from the distraction of other people. Using their Intuition to look beyond the obvious known facts in a given situation, they are flexible, freethinking and adaptable. Open to new ideas, they will examine novel perspectives in a critical, objective manner. Logical and analytical, they are motivated to get to the heart of theoretical problems. Quietly curious and introspective, they focus on the deeper hidden patterns and meanings behind superficial forms and structures. Preferring to approach old problems from novel perspectives, they are not inclined to be rule bound, rigid or dogmatic. Focusing on fundamental principles, they tend to view life from an abstract, intellectual point of view. Skeptical, and inclined to ask challenging questions - both of themselves and others - they value intellectual competence and abstract logic.

With an Introverted orientation, INTPs direct their attention towards the inner world of abstract thought and ideas. Thus, they may sometimes need to be drawn out when in the company of others. Thoughtful and introspective, they may not be the first to put forward their own ideas, preferring instead to consider the deeper aspects of a problem before contributing to a debate or discussion. Given their preference for Thinking, they are likely to be more at ease when working with fundamental concepts and ideas, rather than managing interpersonal relationships. Inclined to keep their innermost thoughts and feelings to themselves, others may take a while to warm to them. Although able to operate effectively in meetings and discussions, they may nevertheless be at their best when communicating in writing, where they may feel most able to express freely their creative, abstract ideas. Not inclined to be judgmental, they will be accepting of people who have a diverse range of ideas and opinions.

INTPs are known for their creative, imaginative approach to problem solving which is grounded in a logical analysis of fundamental principles. More interested in understanding why things work, rather than simply perceiving how they work, they will look beyond the superficial facts in a given situation in search of deeper, hidden truths. Thus, they may feel more comfortable when seeking creative solutions to challenging problems, rather than being responsible for putting their ideas into action. However, their orientation towards the abstract and theoretical does not mean that they will lack interest in solving practical real-world problems. Rather, it means that they approach such problems by focusing on the fundamental concepts that underpin the problem at hand. Inclined to focus on the broader picture, attending to the detailed requirements of a task may not come naturally to them. While open to new ideas, they will not reject tried-and-tested methods if convinced of the value of such approaches.

Colleagues will value their logical, rational approach to problems. However, people who are, on the surface, more emotional than them may on occasion have difficulty relating to their tendency to evaluate situations in an abstract, theoretical manner. They are likely to be viewed as  deep thinkers who may sometimes be prone to flights of fantasy. Moreover, more down-to-earth colleagues, who are less interested in the subtle nuances of a problem, may sometimes worry that they might lose sight of practical, day-to-day realities. Avoiding dogmatism, they will be seen as freethinking, open-minded and adaptable. Inclined to become engrossed in their own thoughts, some may view them as being a little disorganized or absentminded at times. While some colleagues may see them as being a little shy, distant or even somewhat aloof, this is to misunderstand their private, inner-directed nature and their resultant tendency to focus on their own abstract thoughts and ideas.

Knight of Wands - ENTP 
Intuiting with
Introverted Thinking

Gregarious, enthusiastic and socially confident, ENTPs are quick to form new relationships. Using their Intuition to look beyond the obvious known facts in a given situation, they are flexible, freethinking, adaptable individuals. Analytical and rational, they focus on the deeper hidden patterns and meanings behind surface forms and structures. Autonomous and independent-minded, they enjoy approaching old problems from new theoretical perspectives. Spontaneous and quick to act, they may find rigid systems and procedures stifling. Lively, energetic and talkative, they enjoy variety and change and will actively seek out new, exciting challenges. While viewing life logically, from a somewhat abstract, intellectual perspective, they are not in the least cool, distant or reserved in their dealings with others. Focusing on the broader picture, they approach problems in a strategic, expedient way, seeking novel, creative solutions with a minimum of effort and fuss.

Directing their attention to the extraverted world of people and events, ENTPs are spontaneous, socially confident individuals. Outer-directed, they have a great interest in all that is going on around them. Thus, others generally warm to them quickly, appreciating their enthusiasm and zest for life. Flexible and freethinking, they are open to alternative points of view, which they will critically examine in a logical, objective manner. Straightforward, direct and assertive in their dealings with others, they will be quick to express their own views and opinions. Decisive and quick to act, they are not inclined to dwell unduly on their own or others¹ interpersonal, or emotional, needs. Energetic, adventurous and confident, they are popular team members, enthusing others with their challenging, and sometimes unconventional, ideas. Not averse to asking difficult, probing questions, they will plunge into things with great energy and enthusiasm, improvising solutions to problems as they arise.

ENTPs are known for their abstract, theory-driven approach to problem solving, which is based on a logical analysis of fundamental principles. More interested in understanding why things work, rather than simply perceiving how they work, they are inclined to look beyond the superficial facts in a given situation in search of deeper truths. However, their orientation towards the creative and abstract does not mean that they lack interest in solving practical, real-world problems. Rather, it means that they approach such problems by focusing on the theoretical concepts that underpin the problem at hand. Focusing on the broader picture, attending to the detailed requirements of a task may not come naturally to them. They will generally prefer to learn about a subject by participating in lively informed debate or discussion, rather than through private study or reflection. Stimulated by challenging ideas, and novel theoretical perspectives, they value ingenuity, logic and rational insight.

Colleagues will value their logical, rational, analytical thinking style and their tendency to take a strategic view of the 'broader picture'. Participating enthusiastically in debates and discussions, they will express their views in a direct, straightforward manner. Thus, colleagues who are less assertive than them may on occasion view them as being a little overbearing, or even somewhat opinionated at times. However, this is to misunderstand their confident, challenging conversational style, and their lively, expressive inter-personal manner, which is borne of their enthusiasm for debating new ideas and theories. As ENTPs are confident and plain speaking, their colleagues will know where they stand with them. Avoiding dogmatism, they will be seen as open-minded, independent thinkers. However, more cautious, detail-conscious colleagues may at times worry about their readiness to discard established systems and procedures, when seeking immediate solutions to current problems.

Queen of Wands - ENFP
Intuiting with
Introverted Feeling

Warm, sociable and friendly, ENFPs are quick to form new relationships. Moved by deep feelings and emotions, they communicate in an open, honest way. Using their Intuition to look beyond the obvious known facts in a given situation, they are insightful, freethinking, perceptive individuals. Inclined to question conventional wisdom, they tend to focus on the deeper hidden patterns and meanings behind surface forms and structures, and enjoy approaching old problems from novel theoretical perspectives. Spontaneous, enthusiastic and quick to act, they may find rigid systems and procedures stifling. Lively, energetic and versatile, they enjoy variety and change and will actively seek out new, exciting challenges. Valuing authenticity and genuineness in their relationships, their friends and colleagues will appreciate the support and encouragement they freely offer. Focusing on the broader picture, they approach problems in a strategic, expedient way, seeking novel, creative solutions to problems.

With their preference for Feeling, ENFPs are warm, empathic, caring individuals. Directing their attention to the Extraverted world of people and external events, they have a great interest in those around them, and are sensitive to their colleagues' feelings and personal needs. Thus, others will be quick to warm to them, greatly appreciating their infectious enthusiasm and zest for life. Averse to discord and disagreement, they will try to accommodate others¹ needs when possible. Flexible and freethinking, they are open to others' points of view, which they will evaluate with sensitivity and tact. Empathic, co-operative and having a genuine concern for others¹ welfare, they will be popular team members. Initiating projects with great energy and enthusiasm, they will be keen to work for the common good. Expressing their views with great conviction, they plunge into things enthusiastically and enjoy creating novel solutions to problems as they arise.

ENFPs are known for their abstract, creative approach to problem solving, which is based on a logical analysis of fundamental principles. More interested in understanding why things work, rather than simply perceiving how they work, they are motivated to look beyond the superficial facts in a given situation in search of deeper, hidden truths. However, this does not mean that they will lack interest in solving practical, real-world problems. Rather, it means that they approach such problems by focusing on the theoretical concepts that underpin the problem at hand. Focusing on the broader picture, attending to the detailed requirements of a task may not come naturally to them. Attuned to others' feelings, perceptive and empathic, they will be sensitive to the impact their decisions will have on those around them. They will generally prefer to learn about a subject by participating in lively informed debate or discussion, rather than through private study or reflection.

Colleagues will value their insights into others' feelings, motives and actions, and their tendency to take a strategic view of the 'broader picture'. Avoiding dogmatism, they will be seen as open-minded, independent thinkers. Perceptive and sensitive to others¹ needs, they will be viewed as thoughtful, considerate and understanding. However, if colleagues try to take unfair advantage of their genuine offers of help and support, this may generate feelings of resentment. Quick to give, and actively seek, affirmation and support from others, they may become disheartened if they feel their ideas and opinions are not valued. On occasion, more cautious, detail-conscious colleagues may worry about their readiness to discard established systems and procedures, when seeking immediate solutions to current problems. Inclined to go off on tangents, and become engrossed in their own thoughts, some may view them as being a little disorganized or absentminded at times.

King of Wands - INFP         
Feeling with
Extraverted Intuiting

Thoughtful and considerate, INFPs are quietly perceptive, emotionally deep, individuals. However, being inclined to focus on the introverted world of abstract thoughts and ideas, they may keep their great interpersonal warmth hidden from those they do not know well. Flexible and freethinking, they will examine new situations from novel, theoretical perspectives. Quietly curious and introspective, they focus on the deeper hidden patterns and meanings behind surface forms and structures. Using their intuition to look beyond the obvious known facts in a given situation, they will be motivated to get to the heart of theoretical issues. Thus, they often prefer to work either on their own, or with a small group of supportive, like-minded colleagues. Open and accepting of others' idiosyncrasies, and valuing autonomy, they are inclined to feel stifled by rigid systems and procedures. They will have a tight circle of close friends, who will value their authenticity and genuine concern for others' welfare.

Being orientated towards the Introverted domain of subjective mental events and feelings, INFPs may sometimes need to be drawn out when in the company of others. Perceptive, thoughtful and considerate, they may resist being the first to express their own deeply held personal views and opinions. Sensitive to others¹ feelings, they will not needlessly criticize colleagues in meetings and discussions. Averse to conflict and discord, they will work to resolve disagreements by actively seeking compromise and consensus. They are likely to resist organizing colleagues, preferring instead to work alongside people in an egalitarian manner. Flexible and freethinking, they will be open to others points of view. Tending only to express their deeply held values and ideals to close friends, others may not always be aware of the true depth of their feelings. Thus, they are likely to be at their best when communicating on a one-to-one basis, with colleagues who value their theoretical, open-minded approach to problems.

INFPs are known for their creative, abstract, theory-driven approach to problem solving. More interested in understanding why things work, rather than simply perceiving how they work, they will look beyond the superficial facts and data in search of deeper hidden truths. However, this does not mean that they will lack interest in solving practical, real-world problems. Rather, it means that they approach such problems by focusing on the theoretical concepts that underpin the problem at hand. Inclined to focus on the broader picture, attending to the detailed requirements of a task may not come naturally to them. They will be committed to completing tasks that catch their imagination; working in bursts of great enthusiasm and energy. With their preference for feeling, they will be attuned to the impact their actions will have upon those around them. Quite able to function effectively in groups and committees, they may feel most at home brainstorming ideas with one or two like minded friends and colleagues.

Colleagues will value their quietly supportive, co-operative, egalitarian interpersonal style. However, their egalitarian style, and desire to manage by consensus, may be misinterpreted by some as indicating an inability to take difficult, unpopular decisions. Perceptive and sensitive to others needs, they will be viewed as thoughtful, considerate, understanding and helpful. However, if others try to take unfair advantage of their goodwill, and genuine offers of help, this may generate feelings of resentment. They are likely to be viewed as deep thinkers who may sometimes be prone to flights of fantasy. More down-to-earth colleagues, who are less interested than them in the subtle nuances of a problem, may sometimes fear that they lose sight of practical, day-to-day realities. Avoiding dogmatism, they will be seen as freethinking, open-minded individuals. Inclined to become engrossed in their own thoughts, some may view them as being a little disorganized or absentminded at times

Psychological Types

Page of Cups - ESTP   
Sensing with
Introverted Thinking

Gregarious, enthusiastic and sociable, ESTPs are quick to form new relationships. Solution focused, they use their Sensing function to perceive the world directly, 'as it is'. Focusing on observable facts and hard data, they view life from an objective, realistic point of view. Approaching tasks in a down-to-earth pragmatic way, they have little interest in abstract theory unless this has clear practical applications. Flexible and adaptable, they are not inclined to be rule bound, rigid or dogmatic. Expedient and action orientated, they enjoy trouble-shooting and, when necessary, will circumvent established systems and protocols in search of practical solutions to current, real-world problems. Thus, they will not rigidly cling to traditional, tried-and-tested methods and procedures. Fun loving, they enjoy variety and change and will actively seek out new, exciting challenges. Spontaneous, and savouring the moment, they have a great capacity to enjoy life to the full.

Directing their attention to the extraverted world of people and events, ESTPs are lively, talkative, action-orientated individuals. Inclined to speak first and reflect later, they will freely contribute their ideas to debates and discussions. Outer-directed, they have a great interest in all that is going on around them. Thus, others will generally be quick to warm to them, appreciating their enthusiasm and zest for life. Flexible and freethinking, they are open to alternative points of view, which they will critically examine in a logical, objective manner. Expedient and goal-directed, they will want to achieve results with a minimum of effort and fuss. Decisive and quick to act, they are not inclined to dwell unduly on their own, or others', interpersonal or emotional needs. Spontaneous and adventurous, they are popular team members, enthusing others into action. Plunging into things with great energy, they will improvise solutions to problems as they arise.

Having a logical, analytical thinking style, ESTPs are known for their realistic, pragmatic approach to problems. Not inclined to engage in abstract theoretical debate, they tend to focus on the known facts in a given situation. Solution focused and goal directed, they are more interested in directly perceiving how things work, rather than understanding why they work. However, their pragmatic realism does not cause them to be closed minded or dogmatic. Thus, they will be open to new methods and ideas, particularly when they can see the practical advantages of adopting new approaches. Focusing on the 'broader picture', they may not always see the point of closely adhering to set procedures and systems. Similarly, attending to the detailed requirements of a task may not come naturally to them. They will generally prefer to learn about a subject by participating in lively informed debate or discussion, or via direct hands-on experience, rather than through private study or reflection.

Colleagues will value their pragmatic down-to-earth realism, and the active contribution they make to debates and discussions. Participating enthusiastically in all that goes on around them, they will be seen as adventurous, fun loving and self-assured. Colleagues who are less assertive than them may on occasion view them as being a little overbearing, or even somewhat opinionated at times. However, this is to misunderstand their straightforward, direct interpersonal style and their lively, expressive manner. Avoiding dogmatism, they will be seen as open-minded, independent thinkers. However, more cautious colleagues may at times worry about their readiness to discard established systems and procedures, in their attempt to find immediate solutions to pressing problems. As ESTPs are confident and plain speaking, their colleagues will know where they stand with them. Moreover, their strong desire for action may at times cause them to be impatient with the interpersonal dimensions of the task.

Knight of Cups - ISTP          
Thinking with
Extraverted Sensing

Inclined to focus on their inner thoughts and ideas, ISTPs often prefer to work on their own, free from the distraction of other people. Focusing on observable facts and hard data, they view life from an objective, pragmatic, and quietly intellectual point of view. Quietly curious, and introspective, they use their Sensing function directly to perceive the world 'as it is'. Approaching tasks in a realistic, factual and down-to-earth way, they have little interest in abstract theoretical ideas, unless these have clear practical applications. Logical, analytical and critical, they enjoy finding practical solutions to real-world problems. Enjoying variety and change, they are not inclined to be rule bound, rigid or dogmatic, and may actively resist rules that 'do not make sense'. Open to new ideas, they do not needlessly cling to traditional, tried-and-tested methods. Being solution focused realists, they are likely to enjoy trouble-shooting, focusing on achieving tangible results, rather than being overly concerned to meet colleagues' personal needs.

Being orientated towards the introverted domain of thoughts and ideas, ISTPs may sometimes need to be drawn out when in the company of others. Deep and thoughtful, they may resist being the first to put forward their own ideas, preferring instead to sit back and reflect on what others are saying before contributing to a debate or discussion. Flexible and freethinking, they will be open to alternative points of view, which they will critically examine in a logical, objective manner. Goal directed, and solution focused, they will wish to achieve results with a minimum of discussion and fuss. Given their Introverted focus of attention, they are likely to feel most at ease when working with known facts and hard data, rather than when managing interpersonal relationships. Private, self-sufficient individuals, who tend to keep their innermost thoughts and feelings to themselves, others may take a while to warm to them. Thus ISTPs may be more comfortable communicating in writing, rather than participating in group discussions or debates.

Logical and analytical, ISTPs are known for their realistic, pragmatic approach to solving problems. Not inclined to engage in abstract debate, or flights of fancy, they tend to reject the purely theoretical in favour of concentrating on the known facts in a given situation. Solution focused and goal directed, they are more interested in directly perceiving how things work, rather than understanding why they work. However, their pragmatic realism does not cause them to be closed minded or dogmatic, with them being open to new methods and ideas ­ particularly when they can see the practical advantages of adopting new approaches. Focusing on the 'broader picture', they may not always see the point of closely adhering to set procedures and systems. Similarly, attending to the detailed requirements of a task may not come naturally to them. They will generally prefer to learn about a subject by reading, or through private study, rather than by engaging in lively informed debate or discussion.

Colleagues will value their objective, down-to-earth realism. Moreover, they will be known for always giving others a 'fair hearing', with ISTPs listening to others¹ arguments and using their Thinking function to evaluate them in a critical but objective manner. Thus they will be viewed as fair-minded, impartial and objective. However, people who are, on the surface, more emotional than them may sometimes have difficulty understanding their tendency to evaluate situations in a cool, logical and analytical manner. Being quiet observers of life they will be seen as Œdeep¹, and others may sometimes have difficulty perceiving what ISTPs really feel about other people, events or situations. Avoiding dogmatism, they will be seen as independent and self-reliant, yet open to new ideas. While some colleagues may see them as being a little shy, reserved or even somewhat aloof, this is to misunderstand their private, inner-directed nature, and resultant tendency to focus on their own thoughts and ideas

Queen of Cups - ISFP  
Feeling with
Extraverted Sensing

ISFPs are warm, supportive and loyal to their friends and colleagues. However, being inner-directed, they may keep their great interpersonal warmth hidden from those they do not know well. Thus, they may feel most at ease when working with a small group of close, supportive colleagues. Using their Sensing function directly to perceive the known facts in a given situation, they will approach problems in a pragmatic, realistic and down-to-earth way. Having little interest in theoretical debate and discussion, they will be concerned to find practical solutions to concrete, real-world problems. Moreover, when addressing such problems, they will want to bear in mind the effects their decisions will have upon those around them. Independent-minded, they are tolerant and flexible, and do not like being regimented or rule-bound. Having a quiet sense of fun, they are accepting of other people¹s idiosyncrasies. Neither judgmental nor opinionated, they will not needlessly cling to traditional, out-moded ideas.

Being orientated towards the introverted domain of feelings and mental events, ISFPs may sometimes need to be drawn out when in the company of others. Thoughtful and introspective, they may resist being the first to express their own views and opinions. Sensitive to others¹ feelings, they will not needlessly criticize colleagues in meetings and discussions. Understanding and considerate, they will be concerned about the welfare of others. They are likely to resist organizing colleagues, preferring instead to work alongside people in an egalitarian manner. Disliking conflict and discord, they will work to resolve disagreements by actively seeking compromise and consensus. Not inclined to express their innermost thoughts and feelings to people they do not know well, others may not always fully appreciate the strength of their deeply held core values and ideals. They will be at their best communicating on a one-to-one basis with colleagues who value their practical, open-minded approach to problems.

Not inclined to engage in abstract debate and discussion, ISFPs are known for their pragmatic approach to solving problems. They tend to reject the purely theoretical, in favour of focusing on the known facts and practical realities in a given situation. However, their pragmatism and down-to-earth realism does not cause them to be closed minded, as they are open to new methods and ideas, particularly when they can see the practical advantages of adopting new approaches. Attuned to the feelings of others, they will carefully consider the impact their actions will have upon those around them before deciding on a course of action. Focusing on the 'broader picture', they may not always see the point of closely adhering to set procedures and systems. Similarly, attending to the detailed requirements of a task may not come naturally to them. Flexible, open-minded and tolerant, they will be concerned to understand others¹ points of view, even if these are radically different from their own.

Open and accepting of others, they will be supportive of their friends and colleagues. Quietly introspective, they are more likely to express their genuine concern for others through their actions, than through their words. Co-operative and egalitarian, they will be happy to help their friends and colleagues. Thoughtful and considerate, others may on occasion try to take advantage of their altruism and good will. If colleagues try to take unfair advantage of their genuine offers of help, then this may generate feelings of resentment or even anger. Willing to listen, and sensitive to others¹ feelings, their colleagues will value the quiet support and encouragement they offer. However, their egalitarian style, and desire to manage by consensus may be misinterpreted by some as indicating an inability to take unpopular decisions. Modest, and not usually outspoken or opinionated, colleagues who are more assertive than them may at times mistakenly overlook their quiet, insightful observations.

King of Cups - ESFP
Sensing with
Introverted Feeling

ESFPs are warm, friendly, supportive individuals. Exuberant, optimistic and fun loving, they enjoy variety and change and actively seek out new, exciting challenges. Spontaneous and easy-going, they have a great capacity to enjoy life to the full. Using their Sensing function directly to perceive the known facts in a given situation, they approach problems in a pragmatic, realistic, down-to-earth way. Having little interest in abstract theoretical issues, they will be concerned to find practical solutions to concrete, real-world problems. Moreover, when solving such problems, they will be concerned to bear in mind others' needs and feelings. Tolerant, open-minded and flexible, they may resist too much structure and routine. Having a natural empathic understanding of people, they are accepting of others' idiosyncrasies, and are not judgmental, dogmatic or opinionated. Focusing on practical realities and the achievable, they do not needlessly cling to traditional, out-moded approaches.

Orientated towards the extraverted world of people and external events, ESFPs are lively, talkative, outgoing individuals. Sensitive to others' feelings, they will not needlessly criticize colleagues in meetings and discussions. Others will generally be quick to warm to them, appreciating their enthusiasm and zest for life, and the active support and encouragement they freely offer. Expedient and goal-directed, they will want to achieve results with a minimum of effort and fuss, and a maximum of fun. Flexible and freethinking, they are open to alternative points of view. Averse to conflict and discord, they may resist organizing colleagues, preferring instead to work alongside people in an egalitarian manner. Sympathetic, tactful and understanding, they will work to resolve disagreements by actively seeking compromise and consensus. Disliking routine, they will plunge into things with great energy and enthusiasm, creating innovative solutions to problems as they arise.

Having little interest in abstract theoretical debate and discussion, ESFPs are known for their pragmatic approach to solving problems, and tendency to focus on the known facts, and practical realities, in a given situation. However, their pragmatism and down-to-earth realism does not cause them to be dogmatic or closed minded, with them being open to new methods and ideas - particularly when they can see the practical advantages of adopting new approaches. Flexible and freethinking, they will be concerned to understand others' points of view, even if these are radically different from their own perspective. Sensitive to others' feelings, they will wish to consider the impact their actions will have upon those around them, before deciding on a course of action. Inclined to focus on the 'broader picture', they may not always see the point of closely adhering to set procedures and systems. Similarly, attending to the detailed requirements of a task may not come naturally to them.

Colleagues will value their pragmatic, down-to-earth realism and their lively enthusiasm for all that goes on around them. Open and accepting of others, they will be viewed as fair-minded and tolerant. Co-operative and egalitarian, they will be happy to help colleagues and friends. However their egalitarian style, and desire to manage by consensus, may be misinterpreted by some as indicating an inability to take unpopular decisions. Avoiding dogmatism, they will be seen as open-minded, independent thinkers. However, more cautious colleagues may at times worry about their readiness to discard established systems and procedures, when seeking immediate solutions to current problems. Moreover, some colleagues may view them as being a little disorganized at times. Thoughtful and considerate, others may at times try to take advantage of their altruism. Willing to listen, and sensitive to others' feelings, colleagues will value the active support and encouragement they offer.

Page of Swords - INFJ  
Intuiting with
Extraverted Feeling

With their preference for Feeling, INFJs are quietly perceptive, emotionally deep, individuals. However, being inner directed, and inclined to focus on their own abstract thoughts and ideas, they may keep their great interpersonal warmth hidden from those they do not know well. Idealistic and introspective, they focus on the deeper hidden patterns and meanings behind surface forms and structures. However, being sensitive to others¹ needs, they do not approach life in an unduly cool, analytical or distant way. Having a strong sense of duty and responsibility, they believe it is important to adhere closely to established methods and procedures. Inclined to focus on the fundamental principles underlying a task, they will attend closely to detail, and be committed to complete tasks on schedule and to the required standard. While they approach problems in a theoretical and abstract way, their empathic concern for others enables them to keep a human perspective on events.

Orientated towards the introverted world of abstract concepts and ideas, INFJs may sometimes need to be drawn out in social settings. Thoughtful and considerate, they may not be the first to put forward their own ideas, preferring instead to consider the deeper theoretical issues before contributing to a debate or discussion. Enjoying working with fundamental principles and theoretical concepts, they will be most comfortable when discussing their ideas with a small group of like minded colleagues. Averse to conflict and discord, they will work to resolve disagreements by actively seeking compromise and consensus. When working in teams they will wish to have a well-defined role and clearly defined goals. Disinclined to discuss their deeply held values and ideals with people they do not know well, those around them may not always fully appreciate the true depth of their feelings. Dependable, reliable and egalitarian in nature, they will be committed to working for the common good.

Although they are inclined to approach problems from an abstract, theoretical perspective, their Feeling function means that INFJs maintain a strong awareness of the interpersonal dimensions of the task. More interested in understanding why things work, rather than simply perceiving how they work, they use their Intuition to look beyond the superficial facts in a given situation in search of deeper principles and truths. Thus, they approach real-world practical, problems by first attempting to understand the theoretical principles that govern the problem at hand. Approaching tasks in a clear, orderly and methodical way, they will not lose sight of the detailed aspects of the task. Attuned to the feelings of others, they will be sensitive to the impact their actions will have upon those around them. Organizing abstract, logical arguments in an orderly, systematic manner, they may be at their best when communicating on a one-to-one basis, with supportive colleagues who value their methodical, structured approach.

Well organized, dependable and reliable, they will be trusted to see tasks through to the end. Known for their sound grasp of fundamental concepts and principles, colleagues will respect their ability to approach problems in a systematic, orderly and logical manner. However, more down-to-earth colleagues, who are less interested in the subtle nuances of a problem, may sometimes worry that they may lose sight of practical, day-to-day realities. Committed, co-operative, and happy to oblige, they will be respected for their ability to persevere with tasks that require attention to detail. However, if others take unfair advantage of their genuine offers of help, this may generate feelings of resentment. Perceptive and sensitive to others¹ needs, they will be viewed as thoughtful, considerate and understanding. However, their egalitarian style and desire to manage by consensus, may sometimes be misinterpreted as indicating an inability to take difficult, unpopular decisions.

Knight of Swords - ENFJ
Feeling with
Introverted Intuiting

With their preference for Feeling, ENFJs are thoughtful, caring, compassionate individuals. Loyal and dependable, and having a strong sense of duty and responsibility, they believe it is important to adhere closely to established systems and procedures. Keen to plan ahead, methodical and detail-conscious, they will be committed to complete tasks on schedule and to the required standard. Having an insightful, perceptive view of life, they focus on the deeper hidden patterns and meanings behind surface forms and structures. However, although they are orientated towards the abstract and theoretical, they do not approach life in a cool, analytical or distant way. Rather, having a genuine empathic concern for those around them, they have a friendly, expressive, social presence. Quick to give, and seek, social support, they will prefer to learn about a subject by participating in lively informed debate or discussion, rather than through private study or reflection.

Orientated towards the extraverted world of people and external events, ENFJs are enthusiastic, energetic, outgoing individuals. Friendly, supportive and caring, they have a warm, personable social presence. Thoughtful and considerate, they take a genuine personal interest in those around them. Compassionate, understanding and sensitive to others' needs, they dislike conflict, disagreement and discord, which they will work to resolve by actively seeking compromise and consensus. As a result, supervising others' work may not come naturally to them. When working in teams they will wish to have a well-defined role, and to be set clearly defined goals. Committed, loyal team members, they are keen to work for the common good, and often act as catalysts, bringing out the best in their colleagues and friends. Active, enthusiastic facilitators, who enjoying organizing people, tasks and situations, they will be keen to contribute to the team effort.

Using their Intuition to look beyond the obvious, known facts in a given situation, ENFJs tend to focus on the fundamental principles and concepts underlying a given task or problem. Thus, they approach practical, real-world problems by first understanding the problem from a theoretical perspective. However, despite their creative, intellectual approach to problems, their preference for Feeling enables them to maintain a strong awareness of the interpersonal dimensions of the task at all times. Moreover, being attuned to the feelings of others, they will be sensitive to the impact their actions will have upon those around them, with their decisions taking into account the personal and emotional needs of their colleagues. Approaching tasks in a clear, orderly and methodical way, they will not lose sight of the detailed aspects of the task. Marshalling theoretical concepts in an orderly and methodical manner to support their arguments, they are ordered in their thinking.

Known for their sound grasp of theoretical concepts and fundamental principles, colleagues will respect their ability to approach problems in a systematic, orderly manner. However, more down-to-earth colleagues, who are less interested in the subtle nuances of a problem, might on occasion worry that they may lose sight of practical, day-to-day realities. Perceptive, empathic, caring individuals, their colleagues will view them as thoughtful, considerate and understanding. However, if others spurn their genuine offers of help and support, they may feel hurt or rejected. Sensitive to others¹ needs, and preferring to manage by consensus, their egalitarian style may be misinterpreted by some as indicating an inability to take difficult, unpopular decisions. Well organized, dependable and reliable, they will be trusted to see tasks through to the end. Committed, co-operative and loyal, they will be popular team members who are keen to contribute to the team effort.

Queen of Swords - ENTJ
Thinking with
Introverted Intuiting

Analytical, objective and critical, ENTJs are quick to challenge views and opinions that are not based on sound reason or logic. Appreciating the value of abstract, logical thought, they expect efficiency, competence and intellectual rigor from themselves and those around them. Using their Intuition to look beyond the obvious known facts in a given situation, they are motivated to get to the heart of complex, theoretical issues. Assertive, clear thinking and decisive, they naturally create detailed plans and systems to achieve results with efficiency and minimum effort. Having a strong sense of duty and responsibility, they attend closely to the detailed aspects of a task - which they will be committed to complete on schedule and to the required standard. While they believe it is important to adhere closely to well-established methods and procedures, their emphasis on Thinking may nonetheless cause them to question systems and procedures that are not based on a sound, logical analysis.

Orientated towards the Extraverted world of people and events, ENTJs communicate in a direct, open and to-the-point way. Intellectually curious, they enjoy discussing abstract, theoretical ideas. Approaching life from a logical, theoretically driven perspective, relating to others' feelings may not come naturally to them. Nevertheless, ENTJs will often take the initiative when forming new relationships, as they are outgoing, sociable and talkative by nature. Task orientated and goal directed, they will be motivated to create logical, efficient systems and procedures. Coming to the fore in social situations, they naturally take the lead, organizing people and events to achieve shared goals. Straightforward and candid in their dealings with others, they will be quick to express their own views and opinions. Dependable and reliable, they will be clear about their interpersonal roles and responsibilities and will be prepared to take tough decisions when these are called for.

ENTJs are known for their abstract, theory-driven approach to solving problems, which is based on a logical, rational analysis of fundamental principles. More interested in understanding why things work, rather than simply perceiving how the work, they will use their Intuition to look beyond the superficial facts in a given situation, in search of deeper, unifying, principles and concepts. However, being outer-directed and action orientated, they are not inclined to theorize for the sake of theorizing. Rather, they will be concerned to translate theoretical possibilities into well defined, achievable, plans and goals. Approaching problems in a clear, orderly and methodical way, they will keenly attend to the important details that can cause the best laid plans to go wrong. They will generally prefer to learn about a subject by engaging in lively informed debate or discussion, rather than by reading or through private study or reflection.

Dependable, reliable and conscientious, they will be trusted to see tasks through to the end. Colleagues will value their logical, analytical thinking style and their lively contribution to debates and discussions. They will be seen as fair-minded and objective, even if they sometimes express their views in a rather direct, or somewhat critical, manner. Moreover, less assertive colleagues may, on occasion, mistake their straightforward, matter-of-fact interpersonal style; with ENTJs wrongly being perceived to be somewhat overpowering, opinionated or dogmatic. More down-to-earth colleagues, who are less interested in the subtle theoretical nuances of a problem, may sometimes worry that their emphasis on Intuition might cause them to lose sight of practical realities. Decisive, confident and plain speaking, their friends and colleagues will seldom wonder where they stand with them. Naturally well organized, colleagues may on occasion resent their tendency to take charge of situations.

King of Swords - INTJ              
Intuiting with
Extraverted Thinking

Inclined to focus on their own inner thoughts and abstract ideas INTJs often prefer working on their own, sometimes finding conversation and discussion an unwanted distraction from their desire to complete tasks in a systematic methodical way. Quietly curious and introspective, they are inclined to focus on the deeper patterns and hidden meanings behind surface forms and structures. Thus, they tend to view life from a somewhat detached, academic point of view. Logical, analytical and orderly in their thinking they are motivated to get to the heart of theoretical issues. Having a strong sense of duty and responsibility they believe it is important to adhere closely to established methods and procedures, and will be committed to complete tasks on schedule and to the required standard. However, their emphasis on Thinking may cause them to question tasks and procedures that are not based on a sound logical analysis.

Orientated towards the inner world of abstract concepts and ideas, INTJs may sometimes need to be drawn out in social settings. Thoughtful and introspective, they may not be the first to put forward their own ideas, preferring instead to consider the deeper issues before contributing to a debate or discussion. Feeling most at ease when working with fundamental principles and abstract concepts, they may dislike managing interpersonal relationships. Inclined to cool logical analysis, understanding others¹ feelings may not come naturally to them. Clear thinking and independent minded, they will be prepared to take tough decisions when these are called for. When working in teams they will wish to have a well-defined role, and to be set clearly defined goals. Wanting to get to grips with the detailed, theoretical aspects of a problem, they will generally prefer to learn about a subject by reading, or through private study, rather than by engaging in lively, informed debate or discussion.

INTJs are known for their abstract, creative, approach to problem solving, which is based on a logical analysis of fundamental principles. Moreover, approaching problems in a clear, orderly and methodical way, they will not lose sight of the detailed aspects of the task at hand. More interested in understanding why things work, rather than simply perceiving how the work, they will use their Intuition to look beyond the superficial facts in a given situation, in search of deeper truths. However, this does not mean that they will lack interest in solving practical real-world problems. Rather, it means that they approach such problems by first understanding the theoretical principles that govern the problem at hand. Organizing abstract logical arguments in an orderly and systematic manner, they may be at their best when communicating in writing, rather than in interpersonal contexts.

Well organized, dependable and reliable, they will be trusted to see tasks through to the end. Known for their sound grasp of fundamental concepts and principles, colleagues will respect their ability to analyze problems in a systematic and logical manner. Setting high standards for themselves and others, they value efficiency, and clarity of thought. Dependable, reliable and tending to plan well ahead, others may take a while to warm to them. Moreover, colleagues who are, on the surface, more emotional than they are may on occasion have difficulty understanding their tendency to rely upon cool, abstract logic. Given their quiet outward calm, INTJs may sometimes surprise their colleagues by the firmness of their opinions, which will be based on a detailed, logical analysis of all the relevant information. While others may at times see them as being a little shy, distant or even somewhat aloof, this is to misunderstand their private, inner-directed nature and tendency to rely on cool, abstract logic.

Page of Pentacles - ESTJ      
Thinking with
Introverted Sensing

Inclined to focus on the outer world of people and external events, ESTJs are clear thinking, assertive, goal directed individuals. Not slow to speak their mind, they are focused, to-the-point and decisive in their dealings with others. Task orientated, they approach problems in a systematic, methodical and structured way. Focusing on hard facts and data, they tend to view life from an objective, down-to-earth perspective. Logical, analytical and orderly in their thinking, they expect competence and efficiency in those around them. Having a strong sense of duty and responsibility, they believe it is important to adhere closely to established systems and procedures. However, their emphasis on Thinking will cause them to question tasks and procedures that are not based on a sound logical analysis. Not particularly interested in the abstract or theoretical, they will attend systematically to tasks, with a commitment to complete them on schedule and to the required standard.

Orientated towards the extraverted world of people and events, ESTJs communicate with people in a straightforward, direct way. Inclined to cool logical analysis, understanding others' feelings may not come naturally to them. However, this will not prevent them from taking the lead in forming new relationships, with ESTJs being sociable, lively and outgoing. When working in teams they will wish to have a clearly defined role, and to be set well defined, achievable goals. Direct and matter-of-fact in their dealings with others, they will be quick to express their own views and opinions. Task focused and goal directed, they naturally come to the fore in group settings, planning and organizing those around them. Dependable and reliable, they will focus on getting things done, and will be clear about their interpersonal roles and responsibilities. They will generally prefer to learn about a subject by engaging in lively informed debate or discussion, rather than by reading or through private study.

Having a clear, logical and analytical thinking style, ESTJs are known for their ability to focus on the detailed aspects of a task or problem. Not inclined to abstract debate, they tend to reject the purely theoretical, choosing instead to focus on finding practical solutions to real-world problems. Basing their opinions on a logical analysis of observable facts and hard data, which they have directly perceived through their Sensing function, they are likely to be steadfast in their opinions. Goal directed, orderly and methodical in their work, they value efficiency, decisiveness and clarity of thought. Being pragmatic, realistic and down-to-earth, they do not seek change for change's sake. Rather, they critically examine new procedures to evaluate whether these offer clear benefits over tried-and-tested methods. Focusing on the present, they prefer tasks where they can produce immediate, measurable results. Being achievement orientated, they are prepared to take tough decisions when necessary.

Well organized, dependable and reliable, they will be trusted to see tasks through to the end. Known for their sound, sensible and realistic judgement, colleagues will respect their ability to analyze problems in an objective, logical way. People who are less assertive than them may on occasion view them as being a little overbearing, or even somewhat opinionated at times. However, this is to misunderstand their straightforward, direct interpersonal style and their tendency to focus on the observed facts in a cool, analytical manner. Conscientious and task-focused, they will be respected for their ability to persevere with work that requires a systematic and methodical approach. However, some colleagues may on occasion misinterpret their detail-conscious, pragmatic realism as indicating a lack of imagination. Gregarious and outgoing, they will take an active interest in all that is going on around them. Socially confident, self-assured and plain speaking, their colleagues will seldom wonder where they stand with them.

Knight of Pentacles - ISTJ    
Sensing with
Extraverted Thinking

Inclined to focus on the inner world of thoughts and ideas, ISTJs often prefer to work quietly, on their own. In fact they may sometimes find conversation and discussion an unwanted distraction from their desire to complete tasks in a systematic, methodical way. Focusing on facts and practical realities, they tend to view life from an objective, distant and somewhat detached point of view. Logical, analytical and orderly in their thinking, they will be motivated to find practical, concrete solutions to well defined problems. Having a strong sense of duty and responsibility, they believe it is important to adhere closely to established systems and procedures. However, their emphasis on Thinking may cause them to question tasks and procedures that are not based on a sound logical analysis. Steadfast, loyal and dependable, they approach tasks with a calm, steady perseverance, and will be committed to complete their work on schedule and to the required standard.

Orientated towards the introverted world of thoughts and ideas, ISTJs may sometimes need to be drawn out in social settings. Not usually the first to put forward their own views and opinions, they may prefer carefully to think through all the options before contributing to a debate or discussion. When working in teams they will wish to have a clearly defined role, and to be set well defined, achievable goals. Task focused and goal directed, they may feel more at ease working with facts and hard data, than when managing interpersonal relationships. Inclined to cool logical analysis, understanding others¹ feelings may not come naturally to them. Dependable and reliable, they will focus on getting things done and, as a result, it may take others a while to warm to them. They will generally prefer to learn about a subject by reading, or through private study, rather than by engaging in lively, informed debate or discussion.

Having a clear, logical and analytical thinking style, ISTJs are known for their ability to focus on the detailed aspects of a task or problem. Not inclined to abstract debate, they tend to reject the purely theoretical, choosing instead to seek practical solutions to real-world problems. Basing their opinions on a logical analysis of observable facts and hard data that they have directly perceived through their Sensing function, they are likely to be steadfast in their opinions. Goal directed, orderly and methodical in their work, they have little interest in approaching problems from novel, theoretical perspectives. Being pragmatic and realistic, they do not seek change for change¹s sake. Rather, they prefer to examine new procedures in an objective manner, and will only accept new approaches if they offer clear benefits over tried-and-tested methods. Marshalling facts in an orderly and systematic manner to support their arguments, they may be at their best when communicating in writing, rather than in interpersonal contexts.

Well organized, dependable and reliable, they will be trusted to see tasks through to the end. Known for their sound, sensible and realistic judgement, colleagues will respect their ability to analyze problems in a systematic and logical manner. However people who are, on the surface, more emotional than them may on occasion have difficulty understanding their reliance on hard logic, and their tendency to focus on the stated facts in a given situation. Independent and self-reliant, they will be respected for their ability to persevere with tasks that require attention to detail. However, some colleagues may on occasion misperceive their detail-conscious, pragmatic realism as indicating a lack of imagination. While some colleagues may at times see them as being a little reserved, distant or even somewhat aloof, this is to misunderstand their private inner-directed nature and tendency to view life in an objective, analytical way. Outwardly calm, serious and composed, even when under pressure, they will tend to keep their feelings and personal values to themselves.

Queen of Pentacles - ISFJ  
Sensing with
Extraverted Feeling

Sensitive to others' needs, ISFJs are kind, considerate and thoughtful. Having a strong sense of duty and responsibility, they are committed and loyal to their colleagues and friends. Pragmatic and detail-conscious, they approach problems in a systematic, methodical way. Having an Introverted focus of attention they will actively seek time on their own so that they can complete their tasks free from the distraction of other people. Although they tend to focus on hard facts and practical realities, they do not view life from a cool, detached or overly analytical point of view. Rather, having a deep respect for others' feelings, they are supportive, co-operative and altruistic. Realistic and down-to-earth, they respect established systems and procedures. Loyal and committed, they focus on the practical, detailed requirements of the task at hand, which they will be motivated to complete on schedule and to the required standard. Willing to offer help, they are usually happy to listen to others' points of view.

With their emphasis on Feeling, ISFJs are helpful, co-operative and keen to work for the common good. Due to their inner directed nature, they have a tendency to observe those around them in a quiet, thoughtful manner. While not in the least cool or distant, they may nonetheless on occasion need to be drawn out in social settings. Not inclined to force their own views on others, they will be valued for their quiet, thoughtful comments and observations. When working in teams they will wish to have a clearly defined role, and to be set well-defined, practical and achievable goals. When managing others they will try to do so by seeking consensus, as they dislike discord, disagreement and disharmony. Dependable and reliable, they will focus on getting things done in ways that maintain good working relationships. They are likely to be at their best when communicating on a one-to-one basis with colleagues who value their practical realism and structured approach to problems.

Using their Sensing function directly to perceive the known facts in a given situation, ISFJs recognize the importance of attending to the important details that others may sometimes overlook. Pragmatic and realistic, they will be concerned to find practical, achievable solutions to real-world problems. Considerate and thoughtful, their decisions will take into account the personal needs of their colleagues and friends. Orderly and methodical in their work, they may become frustrated with colleagues whose work does not meet their own high standards. Dependable and reliable, they do not seek change for change¹s sake. Rather, they will carefully examine new systems and procedures to consider whether they offer clear benefits over tried-and-tested methods. Marshalling facts in an orderly and systematic manner to support their arguments, they like to take things one step at a time. Thus, they may prefer to work through their ideas on paper, rather than brainstorming them with colleagues.

Well organized, dependable and reliable, they will be trusted to see jobs through to the end. Loyal and committed, they will be respected for their ability to persevere with tasks that require a structured, organized approach. However, some colleagues may on occasion misperceive their unassuming nature, and their detail-conscious, pragmatic realism, as indicating a lack of imagination. Helpful, courteous and co-operative, they will have a strong customer service orientation. Thoughtful, considerate and happy to oblige, others may on occasion try to take advantage of their kindness and good will. Willing to listen, and sensitive to others¹ feelings, their colleagues will value the quiet support and encouragement they offer. Modest, and not inclined to be outspoken or opinionated, more assertive colleagues may at times mistakenly overlook their quiet, insightful observations. If colleagues take unfair advantage of their genuine offers of help, this may generate feelings of resentment or even anger.

King of Pentacles - ESFJ
Feeling with
Introverted Sensing

Sensitive to others' needs, ESFJs are warm, friendly, thoughtful individuals. Having an Extraverted focus of attention, they take a keen interest in the people and events around them. Supportive, co-operative and altruistic by nature, they dislike discord, disagreement and conflict, and will actively seek to promote harmony. Having a strong sense of duty and responsibility, they are loyal to friends and colleagues. Valuing tradition, and needing to feel that they belong, they will be committed to the organization they work for, and to their family and friends. Pragmatic and detail-conscious, they approach problems in a systematic, methodical way. Although they tend to focus on the hard facts in a given situation, they do not view life from an overly cool, detached or analytical point of view. Realistic and down-to-earth, they respect established systems and procedures. Focusing on the practical, detailed requirements of a task, they will be motivated to complete tasks on schedule and to the required standard.

ESFJs are helpful, co-operative individuals who are keen to work for the common good. Being sensitive to others' feelings, and taking a genuine interest in those around them, they will actively work to promote harmony, consensus and compromise among their colleagues. Dependable, reliable and conscientious, they will focus on achieving results in ways that maintain good working relationships. When working in teams, they will wish to have a clearly defined role, and to be set well-defined, practical and achievable goals. Enjoying organizing people, tasks and situations, they will wish to contribute to the team effort by producing detailed plans and schedules. Keen to please those around them, they will generally be happy to go along with others' wishes and opinions, unless these clearly disagree with strongly held core values and beliefs. Showing a deep, genuine empathic concern for others, colleagues will often turn to them for emotional support, understanding and encouragement.

Using their Sensing function directly to perceive the known facts in a given situation, ESFJs recognize the importance of attending to the important details that others sometimes overlook. Orderly and methodical in their work, they are more concerned to get to grips with the procedural aspects of a task, rather than try to understand it from a theoretical perspective. Thus they aim to find practical, achievable solutions to concrete, real-world problems. Being pragmatic and realistic, they do not seek change for change's sake. Rather, they carefully examine new procedures to consider whether they offer clear benefits over tried-and-tested methods. Marshalling facts in an orderly and systematic manner to support their point of view, they like to take things one step at a time. Caring, considerate and thoughtful, their decisions will take into account the personal needs of their colleagues and friends. Comfortable with routine, they focus on the present, and base their decisions on hard facts and data.

Warm, friendly and happy to oblige, ESFJs are courteous and tactful in their dealings with others, and have a strong customer service orientation. ESFJs enjoy attending to those little personal details that make people feel valued. Thus, their friends and colleagues will appreciate the genuine interest and concern they show in those around them. However, as they need, and actively seek, encouragement and approval from others, they may quickly become disheartened if their colleagues show indifference, unkindness or a lack of concern for their feelings. Moreover, if colleagues fail to appreciate their genuine offers of help, this may generate feelings of resentment. Well organized and reliable, they will be trusted to see tasks through to the end. Loyal, dependable and committed, they will be respected for their ability to persevere with work that requires attention to detail. However, some colleagues may on occasion misinterpret their detail-conscious, pragmatic realism as indicating a lack of imagination and flexibility.



King of Wands
(Fire of Fire)

King of Cups
(Water of Fire)

King of Swords
(Air of Fire)

King of Pentacles
(Earth of Fire)




The Page's
The Knights's
The Queen's
The Kings's
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